TypeIt4Me 7 is on the way. Beta test volunteers wanted!

Hello, hello. We have news to impart.

If, like we did*, you recently slipped out to the bookies to place a bet on a major new version of the Mac community’s most stalwart text expander being unveiled this summer, you’re in luck!

We’ll skip the customary glib preamble reflecting on the increasingly bleak outlook for western civilisation and get straight down to it: TypeIt4Me 7.0 is almost ready for its close-up. First, though, we need you to help us polish the final development builds.

You may or may not recall that a while ago, in an ill-advised moment of hubris that immediately jinxed us, we coyly teased that a juicy new TypeIt4Me release was imminent. Well, 18 months or so later, after a few false dawns, it really is getting close.

The next major version of our flagship app is at last fully functional and it’s been 0️⃣ days since a mystery bug in the latest test build prompted us to lie down in a dark room, rueing our chosen vocation.

No, seriously, though, our inner QA circle has been kicking and slapping TypeIt4Me 7.0b for the last few months and it hasn’t disgraced itself so far. The bottom line is it’s generally stable and ready for wider scrutiny. We’re reasonably confident we’ve now ironed out most of, if not all, the troubling kinks.

It’s not lost on us that some of you have been itching to try the beta since we jumped the gun and teased it early last year. Just so you know: we really appreciate both your enthusiasm and your patience. Thanks for bearing with us.

If we haven’t already sent you a TestFlight invitation and you’d like to volunteer your testing services, please leave a comment here or drop us an email via our contact page. All help will be gratefully received.

Black Friday Deal: Get 20% Off TypeIt4Me

Good news, everyone! 

We’ve emerged blinking from our hermetically sealed development chamber and briefly paused work on The Big, Difficult Project That Laughs in the Face of Self-Imposed Deadlines for just long enough to glance at the calendar. 

This reminded us that tomorrow is a red letter date in those parts of the world that hug late stage Capitalism close for some weird reason. We are of course Italian and don’t quite understand what Black Friday is all about, but we do love a good bandwagon and it’s been a while since we last had a flash sale…so let’s do this!

For a very limited time (i.e. until Saturday) you can get 20% off the regular cost of a TypeIt4Me 6 licence purchased through our website. Just remember to enter the code BLACKFRIDAY to apply the discount during checkout. Happy Venerdi Nero to all who celebrate.

Mac Apps, TypeIt4Me

TypeIt4Me is 30 and version 6.3 is out now. Celebrate with a 30% off sale.

Season’s greetings! Good tidings we bring, to you and typing. We know you probably have a NYE Zoom party to log on to, but this will only take a minute. As we all prepare to put this torturously long year behind us and usher in 2021, we’re pleased to announce that a new TypeIt4Me version is available to download. Version 6.3 adds a handful of new features, fixes some bugs and has had a subtle makeover to match the new macOS 11 Big Sur aesthetic. It’s also a universal app that will run natively on both Intel Macs and the new M1 Apple silicon machines. Rosetta, begone! You can download TypeIt4Me 6.3 here.

Oh and one more thing.

Today is officially TypeIt4Me’s 30th birthday. At least, we’re fairly sure it is. We have a fuzzy memory of handing a 3.5” floppy disk containing the first official retail copy of TypeIt4Me 1.0 to a beaming, tank-topped machine code enthusiast at Riccardo’s amateur computer club in Brussels on New Year’s Eve, 1990. Pierre, if you’re out there, drop us a line!

Anyway, we won’t rehash the sentimental guff we came out with for TypeIt4Me’s quarter century milestone a while back. That said, it is remarkable that TypeIt4Me was originally conceived shortly before the Berlin Wall came down. 30 years later our little text expander that could has now endured for longer than the Iron Curtain divided East and West. Makes you think.

To celebrate TypeIt4Me’s 30th, we’re having a sale until January 30th. For 30 days, you can get 30% off TypeIt4Me user licences purchased from our site by entering the promotional code 30YEARS during checkout. Yay!

That’s all for now. Thanks once again for all your support, encouragement and constructive feedback over the decades. Here’s hoping 2021 proves to be a better year for everyone. Some of us will just be happy if we can still get hold of fresh fruit and vegetables – ideally without having to bribe a customs official to look the other way while we break into an impounded lorry in a Kent car park. That may sound like a low bar to clear, and yet